Unlike our last trip to the middle of nowhere in Italy where we got lost on a deserted gravel country road in the middle of night with bats flying around – and no cell signal today the expedition went a lot better. We are still in the middle of nowhere, high up on the mountain […]
We are determined to still get some pool time in Arezzo today so we have left early – just a bit after 7am. We have about 900km to drive which should take about 8 hours. Austria is slow to drive through it is basically all dug out with massive construction everywhere plus on the best […]
We are off for another road trip. This time we are going down south – Italy, Arezzo and beyond. Boris and Evelina have two weeks of Spring holidays so we are going to explore a bit more of the enchanting Tuscany that we all love and see where else the road takes us. We are […]
Happy Anniversary to Kasia and Volker. We are out celebrating their 17th Wedding Anniversary today. Kasia and Volker suggested we go to one of their favourite restaurants just outside Nuremberg. Once again we did not manage to get all the pictures of the food for the blog but we did manage to get the desserts into […]
It is hot! Depending which application you look at on the phone it is somewhere between 32C-36C. Even in the shade by the water it is hot, hot, hot. Even after 3 scoops of great gelato, it is still hot, so we are off to the city beach. The city beach is in the […]
Girls’s day out today is in Pottenstein. Evelina’s best friends Lisa is at our house for a sleepover. These two girls really hit it off at school and have been great friends. Today is Lisa’s turn to stay at our house. As a little treat and for a bit of a break we drove to a […]
Not far from where we live, right across Dunkin’ Donuts and St. Klara church used to be St Martha’s church that was undergoing extensive renovations. We never got to see this church inside and now it looks like we won’t. It appears that durning the renovations, the roof being the only flammable thing on the church caught […]
After less than a stellar day behind the wheel yesterday today we are back to travelling on foot – true and tested. It looks like there might be a thunderstorm later on today so we are getting out for gelato early. These are some of the beautiful homes on the same street where we live, […]
If I don’t hear Embassy and Munich in the same sentence ever again it will not be a moment too soon. Today we set off to pick up kids’ passports at the Polish Embassy. Munich is about 180km away – door to door, from our house to the embassy and this we can usually manage […]
Today we had 3 entertainment options on the table. City Park which we still have not been to, inside tour of the Imperial Castle or the Nuremberg Zoo, overwhelmingly the kids decided on the Zoo. The Zoo is located in Nuremberg Reichswald, which is an old imperial oak forest, southeast of the old town. With an area […]
Earlier this week it was no flight for you! Today an earthquake. Technically, I think it was a tremor but since we never experienced one we are calling it an earthquake. Boris and Evelina were getting ready to go to the old town while we were sitting and relaxing like we do most of the days, […]
Sandy beach and a 5 start hotel in Abu Dhabi! Check Tickets and transfers – Check Suitcases, swim shorts and sun block packed – Check Train tickets to Munich and back – Check No line up at the business class check in at Etihad Airlines – check …but the computer says NO to the passport requirements ! […]
Fearless exploration comes at a price. This is a simple account of the last 7 days of our trips starting with Wurzburg. Seven days of aimless wondering around different cities and Nuremberg of course – fueled largely by gelato twice a day and a few sausages here and there!
Know as the little Venice, Bamberg has its share of bridges and canals. There are quite a number of cities in Europe that try to make that claim but we all know there is only one Venice and everything else is just a town with a bunch of canals and bridges. Bamberg is a nice and […]
We are back to Altenburg Castle in Bamberg. It is such a beautiful and secluded site that offers phenomenal vistas of Bavarian countryside. This time for the first time we decided to climb the watch tower. There are two places where you can get some spectacular views. One of them is mid way through the tower […]
After the castle we hastily headed down to the restaurant as some storm clouds started rolling in. We did not have to walk far and in all honestly the rain did not last very long. But while it was raining we were sitting down enjoying a nice dinner and coffee. Good times, Prague never disappoints […]
Going to Prague and not going to the Prague Castle and the St. Vitus Cathedral is hard. Once you get on Charles Bridge those two massive buildings are like a huge magnet that pulls you up. We lucked out because the last 3 times we were in Prague the river side part of St. […]
We love this city. We love the sites and the atmosphere, we love the food and the architecture. Having seen most of the big sites on the previous trips today we are wondering around at a gingerly pace trying to take it all in one more time. I am not sure if we will be coming […]
One of the great places in Prague is the top of the City Hall Tower in the Old Town on the main square. Weather permitting you get phenomenal views of the city and some of its great landmarks. The Prague Castle, the Tyn Church, Vyšehrad Castle, The opera house, the many churches, and turrets and building […]
Today we did a tour of Nuremberg starting in the morning with a visit to the Imperial Castle and the lookout tower, then we worked our way down through the Old Town and in the evening we took off to see the sunset over the Colosseum and the Zeppelin Field.
And now for something completely different. The Walhalla is a hall of fame that honors laudable and distinguished people, famous personalities in German history – politicians, sovereigns, scientists and artists of the German tongue. The hall is housed in a neo-classical building above the Danube River, east of Regensburg and is based on the Pantheon […]
This is the last church on the agenda for today. Although, on the way to the car, we did try to see another monastery which was closed. The Church of the Holy Trinity, located on the Gesandtenstrasse, was built in the midst of the Thirty Years War. This was one of the first evangelical churches […]
A few hundred meters down the road from the Monastery is The Neupfarr Church which is a Protestant parish church on Neupfarrplatz in the Old Town of Regensburg. This church was built on the foundation of the old Synagogue which with the rest of the Jewish quarter was demolished to make room for a new Protestant […]
Right in front of the Cathedral, no more than 50 meters from the front door and slightly to the left is St. Johann Monastery. The Monastery of St. John in Regensburg is dedicated to St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist and was founded in 1127 by bishop Konrad I of Regensburg.
The Regensburg Cathedral dedicated to St Peter, is the most important church and landmark in Regensburg. It is the seat of the Catholic diocese of Regensburg. The Cathedral is an example of pure German Gothic and counts as the main work of Gothic architecture in Bavaria. It was founded in 1275 and completed in 1634, with […]
We continue our holy week and with it the required visits to as many churches as happen to be on our way from point A to point B. Niedermünster Abbey was built and rebuilt on the foundation of the first church which was built in the year 700. At the height of its power it […]
Today we are travelling about 100km south east to Regensburg. This small city is nothing like Nurember or Wurzburg which we visited a couple of days ago. The city dates back to the Stone Age. The Celtic name Radasbona was the oldest name given to a settlement near the present city. Around AD 90, the […]
First stop, after we pared the car, is Scots Monastery from 1070. The full official name of the actual church, the most prominent building within the abbey complex, is The Irish Benedictine Abbey Church of St. James and St. Gertrude. Like many other churches and abbey this one too was burnt down, demolished, rebuilt and […]
It is hot. It is 33C and on the cobbles in the old town it is even hotter. It feels like we are walking on a frying pan. Seeking shade and some reprieve from the heat wave instead of exploring the old town we decided to revisit the three big churches in Nuremberg. The beauty of these […]
We went out to see the sunset from the castle walls. Unfortunately the best view is from the lower gardens which together with the rest of the castle grounds closes at 8 pm. Undaunted, we set across the city in search of interesting sights and eventually a place to sit down and have a drink after […]
Wurzburg is a wonderful town. We did not quite know what to expect and we were nicely surprised. Wurzburg is a small city of 135,000 and dates back to the bronze age. It has a vibrant university and over 100 churches. Wurzburg is home to the oldest pizzeria in Germany, the oldest printing press manufacturer […]
After the last church we sat down to relax and have a coffee. No more than 100m from the coffee shop is the main market place and another church. A towering gothic building done in red and white is St Mary’s Chapel or Marienkapelle Church and the Baroque facade of the Falkenhaus. The former home of a wealthy citizen, today the Falkenhaus […]
Eleventh Century Romanesque Basilica Constructed over the stone coffin Of St Kilian, The Irish Missionary murdered here in 689. The Baroque facade was added between 1710-1716. This church is not huge but it is very interestingly decorated with vibrant way of the cross paintings which are very modern as well what appears to be a four Blade […]
The present cathedral, built from 1040 onwards by Bishop Bruno of Würzburg, reckoned to be the fourth largest Romanesque basilica in Germany, is the third church on the site: the previous two, built in about 787 and 855, were respectively destroyed and severely damaged by fire. After Bruno’s accidental death in 1045, his successor Adalbero […]
The Prince-Bishop of Würzburg resided in the Marienberg Fortress until the early eighteenth century. This was not a suitable residence and in his opinion did not measure up to his position as an absolute monarch. Having won a small fortune in a court case, the Prince Bishop of Wurzburg decided to built a residence that […]
With Maciek here for a visit we are hitting all the big spots in Nuremberg to show off the city, get some exercise and see some beautiful sights. Today on 3 separate walks we managed to walk almost 19km in total. We walked the permitter of the Imperial Castle defence walls and moats, we walked […]
Koenigsbourg Castle is located not far from where we are hanging around today. Since we elected NOT to take a 2.5km hike to see the towering ruins of the 3 castles above the village of Ribeauvillé we decided to make the 20 min drive to see this castle instead. Koenigsbourg Castle dates back to […]
Next stop on our agenda is Riquewihr France. A small village of 1500 we visited last March. There is an amazing little bakery here that we stopped by to get some Macaron, and macaroons. It has also been at least an hour since our last meal so we had some gelato, and sat down down a […]
So, a brisk drive in the morning to Ribeauvillé – France where we spent a lovely weekend in March. No traffic, no accidents just a wide open road., I think we managed to shave off about an hour of the trip. The breakfast did not quite work out the way we planned but we still managed […]
We are going out for brunch today, not the one filled with endless lines of chaffing dishes filled with food – we are thinking something more simple, less filling but equally as delicious. Sunday Brunch is more like Parisian Breakfast and no one does this better than the French themselves. We are not sure which of the […]
After dinner is gelato time and a quick look at what is what in Nuremberg so that we can plan lots of walks and photo sessions. Summer is coming and we should be back to 28C by Monday or Tuesday – we can’t wait.
No trip to Frankfurt is made without a quick stop at the Wertheim Village outlets for some uber cool – Super Dry… Contrary to deceptive Ninja writing on the store sign to make it look like this line is Japanese, it is actually a British store….
One more trip to Frankfurt, one more guest taking advantage of us being here and visiting. We are looking forward to showing off this beautiful city and visiting our favorite places.
A year has come and gone. So far we have visited 11 countries and what seems like innumerable number cities and perhaps even more restaurants and shops. We walked what seems like hundreds of kilometres on old cobble stones, consumed pounds and pounds of gelato and drunk gallons of espresso and wine. The blog has had over 22,000 […]
Today we are celebrating one year in Nuremberg. We are celebrating it by doing nothing. Actually we are relaxing after our trip to Berlin on the weekend. There are about 105 days before we say good bye to Nuremberg and head back to Edmonton. Of the 105 days we have 28 days where nothing is […]
This was a great weekend trip. We all loved Berlin! There is just something different about it. It is young and funky, it has an amazing vibe and energy, the people are young and happy and well dressed, Berlin has it’s own style that is hard to pinpoint. Our only wish was to stay here […]
Not wanting to be outdone by the Roman Catholics and their obscenely splendid churches – the Protestants built their own showpiece. Having a budget of a king always helps and thus Berlin Cathedral. While this account is not entirely based on historical accuracy, the building nonetheless is wonderful and splendid. It has an air of […]
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