A lazy Sunday. With Kozluk family here for a visit, we set out to show off bits and pieces of this great city starting with the old town and a couple of its main churches. Both of these churches were greatly damaged in the war and rebuilt but what they have in common is a […]
When the night is this beautiful – its hard to resist going out to the old town for a little stroll. We did exactly that, a nice walk to get some ice-cream in the old town.
This then is the middle of nowhere we were looking for yesterday. A desolate country road cutting across the villages and vineyards of Burgundy. Peppered with family run Chateaus on each side of the road – each making their own great wines. We stopped at a quiet restaurant at the edge of the vineyard where […]
Chateau de Meursault was our next winery of choice. This one offered a self guided tour of the property which is now a small museum. The roots of the family that owns this Chateau are traced back to the 12th century. The main Chateau is still being used as the primary residence, but the cellars, […]
On the way to Chateau de Meursault, the next winery on the list, we stopped at a typical French village to visit another bakery, for more break and pastries and to take a bit of a break after the wine tasting. Quaint, quiet and beautiful. Serenity now.
The best part of the tour was of course the wine cellars or the caves. The sheer volume of wine stored in the nice cool cellars underground is simply staggering. After the tour we had our first taste of some fine wines, including 1st Cru, and Chateau de Pommard. Naturally we acquired some of them […]
First on the list, purely by chance, was Chateau de Pommard. It was close to where we were staying and seemed rather interesting. The Chateau had a wine museum and a great restaurant, an exposition of modern art was well as great collection of originals by Picasso, Matisse, and two sculptures by Salvador Dali. We […]
After a good night sleep in a nice little hotel just off the main square and an early visit to the bakery for some croissant, and baguette and some pain au chocolat we set off in search of some fine French countryside covered in vineyards and dotted by small chateaus. We did not have to go […]
After Strasbourg we pointed out Alfa Romeo in the general direction of Dijon. Both of us visited Dijon in 2001 and remember it very fondly. We wanted to get lost in the French country side. Take the secondary roads and stay off the highways, just like we did last time. Endlessly drive through […]
We are off to France for a few days. The drive is comparable to going to Calgary so why not. Strasbourg is the official seat of the European Parliament among other things. It has a colossal Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg which was the tallest building in the world for over 2 centuries. This is a magnificat […]
We finally had a moment to get out of the house and explore the neighbourhood today. We wanted to size up the two parks we have on either side of the building, the many canals and also to find out where the closest bakery and shops are to get some groceries. It turns out, […]
So, a short distance from Garmisch is the famous Neuschwanstein Castle. Last year when we visited the site the castle was covered in scaffolding as it was being renovated. The renovations are done now and that only means one thing – the tourists are back with a vengeance. By the time we got here at […]
While these are not going to replace the sweet, sweet sound of my Focal, PrimaLuna and REL – this is a vast improvement over having to listen to the mono speaker on the Mac Mini while watching TV or listening to music.
We bought 8 different cheeses at the cheese meadow place as well as some bread and promptly after a nice drive back home we sat down for a cheese and wine dinner. Low calories!
We stopped at this place in the middle of nowhere for a coffee and a cake break. They also sell some cheese so we got some for dinner. This is what you get for €1.90 – a home made cake.
It is true that I don’t drink beer, but I started drinking Radler, which is beer with lemonade. It’s so good. At Mohrenplatz , where we were having lunch, in Garmisch, I ordered a small one. The waiter looked at me and said “girl size” and I agreed. He told us that usually this works […]
Today I finally got an update on the status of my Polish citizenship confirmation. It appears that the Polish bureaucracy is finally starting to crack and give in. Officially then, Poland has confirmed that I am and always have been a Polish citizen. Next step is to wait for the documents to arrive and head […]
Today we hired a tutor for the children who will come around the house to get them started with learning some serious German. She will then work with them throughout the school year after school to help them out further. I think this will make their time at school easier and more enjoyable and a […]
We have assembled the house and actually moved some furniture around today to get that new minimalistic look we are hoping to achieve here. Basically no one is carrying any more boxes upstairs and no one is interested in assembling anything anymore. We are in a travel mood. After 10 days of hard graft, it […]
There are no more boxes to assemble. There are no more boxes to take down. The home assembly I now completed. We are officially open for business and the dates are going fast. Our first guests were the Great Danes. Our first guests from Canada are arriving on the 25th of August and we are […]
Today we fitted the kitchen and promptly headed out to the store to buy some pots and pans. I also managed to finally sign up for some high speed internet through Kabel Deutschland. For the last 10 days I have been working off if my iPhone that is tethered to my MacBook Air. It’s not […]
It’s official after much searching and a lot of fiddling around we fitted the kitchen in today and made a first proper cooked home dinner tonight. We feel so civilized.
The Mozejko’s are leaving today. Our first guests, and visitors, are heading back home today after a nice, albeit hot as hell visit. It was a great visit and as always a one that was far too short. It was also a hard one too as we are in the middle of assembling out […]
Other than the garbage outside which is full of our boxes, we now have 3 separate storage places for all the boxes that have to be cut up packaged and disposed of. Its insane how many boxes there are and there are still more, standing in the house, awaiting their turn to be turned into […]
L’Osteria again, finally everyone manned up and ordered a pizza today followed by ice cream followed by – what the hell were we thinking eating this much… Luckily we are walking home to get some pretend exercise.
Other than Legoland I think Pottenstein is the kids second favourite place in Europe. Although Boris has mentioned that it is time we visited some bigger cities, like Paris, London so he can promptly get the equivalent Lego architecture set to assemble. As per usual we still like photographing all the great food we eat. […]
We are back in Pottenstein to explore the town a bit more. We are still moving, we still have guests over and we are traveling. Our schedule is rather insane at the moment. We stopped in this little restaurant in town to have lunch. SO far the best currywurst I ever had. I am no […]
The little Dane is turning 13 today. We went out to one of out favourite sausage restaurants today and followed it with a cake at home. It is true that we have moved in to our new apartment but for now we still have more furniture in boxes that we have furniture that is assembled. […]
We finally have a fridge! It is now the only thing in out kitchen that works and is assembled. Also we have the first customer checking it out. Of course we brought this in the Alfa, its a car that keeps on giving.
It is true, we do finally have a fridge which we transported today in out Alfa. The car is slowly earning its keep with all the hauling we do. We have a fridge and lots and lots of boxes of stuff to assemble, and of course a whole kitchen all in pieces.
It is unbelievably hot. At 11:30 last night it was 27°C and no wind in sight. This morning at 9:30 it was 32°C and at 11:30 it climbed to 41.5°C and stayed there until about 4:30 pm. We spent most of the day at the apartment moving things, assembling the furniture, shifting boxes and packing […]
This will be our home for the next little while. Right now its full of boxes which need to be unpacked and assembled into furniture – a no small task when its 41°C outside for the next few days.
The great Danes are here. We are heading out for a quiet dinner at our favourite go to pizza place in town. Food is always great, service is excellent and the atmosphere is amazing. What more could you ask for?
Today we took delivery of an apartment full of furniture. The furniture showed up at 7:15, I was rushing to get there, I got lost! I thought I knew my way to the house but it turns out I did not. Finally I got there and opened the door and the crew of 3 started […]
So we have had a chance to drive our new old car back from Poland. We put just a bit over 2,000 km on the car and so far we absolutely love it. I don’t think this car will go faster than 250km/h or even 240km/h for that matter. In fact loaded up to the […]
We finally got home from Poland today. This is what we have managed to fit into the car – including the four of us. Got to love those station wagons. You can put pretty much everything in them, including the kitchen sink.
We are setting off to go back to Nuremberg. We are saying good bye to our great hosts the Karnath family in Pruszcz Gdanski. Not only were they gracious enough to offer us a roof over our heads and feed us 10 meals a day but Kasia’s mom also helped me get the paper work […]
We headed out to do some shopping for the apartment today and then went to the beach. Once again the sea was angry today, but the water was so nice and warm. Great way to waste an afternoon.
Storks are quite ubiquitous in Poland, they are revered and loved in Poland – unlike the post Soviet area bureaucracy which still lingers around like a nasty smell. Today I had to take another stab at it and try and file some papers, to get the papers I actually need. To do this however, I […]
As if Malbork wasn’t impressive enough on its own – there was one more surprise in store for us. Malbork Castle and its grounds are serving as a stage for a sculpture exhibit by a number of famous Polish artists. Feast your eyes.
There are a lot of impressive sights in the world and a great number of wonderful buildings. To me there are very few as impressive and as memorable as the Malbork Castle. The sheer size of it, the scale of buildings and the magnificent decor and layout are simply stunning. Malbork is 3 castles in […]
Today, Kasia is turning 29 again. There was a small gathering of family and friends to celebrate this momentous occasion. We were quite exhausted after a full day of walking around so it was nice to just sit down and relax for a bit, listen to some crazy travel stories, eat a great dinner and […]
A short drive from Gdansk, is the seaside city of Sopot with its grand pier that stretches into the Baltic Sea. At 511.5m, the pier is the longest wooden pier in Europe. A lot has changed here, there are a lot more stores and restaurants, but don’t come here looking for traditional polish food. We […]
On the other side of the great old town buildings is a narrow little street called ul. Mariacka. The street is lined on both sides with artisan shoppes where you can find all sorts of amber and silver jewellery and pretty much everything else made out of amber which in Gdansk is king. In one […]
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