After a long drive we stopped for the night at this little place. What can be said about it – it was clean, cheap and very pleasant. I think the rooms were €30.00 per night and the breakfast was about €2.50 each. We promptly ordered 5 breakfasts for the 4 of us in the […]
File this under: what was I thinking? Just to make sure that the first time I managed to eat the entire pizza at L’Osteria, was not a fluke, I challenged myself to do it again. Once you eat half of this pizza, it then starts fitting onto the plate. The pizza is about 42 cm […]
After the Kellerfest, we were invited for an espresso and a drink over to Volker’s brother’s house. We found out that the main portion of the estate was built in the late 1700s. It consisted of a large winter mansion, smaller guest house and a tower. There were supposed to be 4 of these towers […]
The english equivalent of a bush party. Actually what it really is – is a cellar party for local breweries that are organized on the outskirts of a village with lots of beer and good food. All food is made at home by families who run the show, the picnic is set up and if […]
We are going to file this under culinary adventures. We could not decide where to go out and celebrate Kasia’s and Volker’s new purchase. Today they acquired a beautiful Audi S5 Cabrio. We went to celebrate at one of their favourite local restaurants. Furthering my quest to find a suitable alternative to eating two main […]
This is a public service announcement! Things to remember. Never, ever got to Marktkauf or any other grocery store, I would imagine, in Germany at 5:30pm. Imagine Costco a week before Christmas, with incoming snow storm of a millennium, and everything in the store is 99% off. Now, multiply this by a 100 and there […]
Following my intensive eating training in Italy, we have once again visited our favourite pizza place in Nuremberg – L’Osteria. I am happy to report that my earlier challenge about eating an entire pizza has been laid to rest. Not only did I mange to eat the entire pizza, but also try some of Boris’ […]
Today we were treated to a fine 3 course meal prepared by Boris and Evelina. They planned the menu, they prepared the entire meal and served it. We were absolutely astonished not only at their zeal and dedication but also the actual planning and execution. They chopped and sliced, mixed, fried, boiled, strained and served […]
Navigating the Italian gastronomical universe is not an easy task. In the galaxy of choices that are presented on an average menu, in an average restaurant one can easily get confused and lost and ultimately regret not ordering just the right meal. The easiest way to deal with this issue is to follow my simple […]
First, dress the part. The basic theory is to get something louder than Eddie Jordan would wear and try not too look like a clown, although that part is optional. Second, when it doubt order two main courses just to try them both – live to regret it later. I have a new plan. Today […]
After a lazy morning we went back to Garda to hang out by the lake. Feeding swans is now off of the bucket list. These swans do like the German and Italian bread, although the grey swan was kind of dumb and kept getting all of his food stolen by its sibling. Then is started […]
Tenuta la Presa – the not so little winery hotel we are staying at is hosing a wedding this evening. The preparations started first thing this morning. Grass was being cut, the tents and tables set up, white linens covering all tables and chairs, and of course well before noon guests started arriving for tonight’s […]
By lake Garda a small family of whales was spotted wobbling towards a restaurant. It’s been at least 6 minutes since our last meal, we have done a lot of hard work, lazing around the pool and having a 3 hour nap which of course requires more nourishment. Tomorrow I will simply cut a hole […]
Lazise is a small port town with a great castle dating back to late 800s. Like most old European towns this one too has a small beautiful square a nice old church, Saint Nicolò, dating back to 1200s and beautiful painted houses. Of course the lake is the dominant feature of this little municipality so we try […]
Today is Kasia’s and Volker 16th wedding anniversary so staying at Hotel Dogana was not an option. The winery at Tenuta Le Presa was a more appropriate choice and one more befitting the occasion. To celebrate this we went out for a dinner at a local spot called Hostaria la Cross where German really is […]
Garden Show. Every year, twice a year, for the past 16 years Volker’s brother who is a landscape architect organizes a garden show. One of the shows is at a nice little castle outside the city, about 20 min drive from Nuremberg, and the other is at the family residence, which while not as grand […]
We are planning a short trip to Italy next week. Today we decided to go for a pizza and some pasta to start getting our guts used to, not only the wonderful flavours of Italy, but also to the crazy portion sizes. At L’Osteria, a quiet little place on a side street in Nuremberg, real […]
It’s pit stop time. After a few hours of bad weather, we finally got some sunshine about 40km from the German border. We decided to stop for a little break and have some food. You might say that this really is just an average stop, on an average autobahn in the middle of Germany. Kind […]
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