We are sitting in Levanto on the train platform waiting for the train to arrive – when suddenly a phone rings and a guy on the bench next to us says “Can you hear me now?” I am talking to you on a phone the size of a door mat!!!

We are sitting in Levanto on the train platform waiting for the train to arrive – when suddenly a phone rings and a guy on the bench next to us says “Can you hear me now?” I am talking to you on a phone the size of a door mat!!!
Since we have discovered the list of World’s 10 Most Beautiful Cafes we though we would give it a try. Our first experience was with Cafe New York in Budapest – and it was nothing short of spectacular. Our second attempt was Cafe Imperial in Prague which truth be bold was more Cafe and less […]
If I don’t hear Embassy and Munich in the same sentence ever again it will not be a moment too soon. Today we set off to pick up kids’ passports at the Polish Embassy. Munich is about 180km away – door to door, from our house to the embassy and this we can usually manage […]
Sandy beach and a 5 start hotel in Abu Dhabi! Check Tickets and transfers – Check Suitcases, swim shorts and sun block packed – Check Train tickets to Munich and back – Check No line up at the business class check in at Etihad Airlines – check …but the computer says NO to the passport requirements ! […]
It has been fairly quiet on Emilienstrasse for the last few days – but we are actually very busy. We are essentially trying to figure out how to spend the remaining 4 months here. We have both the spring and summer trips to plan out, we are filling up our weekend excursions and short day trips. We are organizing things […]
Meanwhile in the other room at Zeller Bistro a fox hunt themed bachelor party was taking place. 14 crazy Englishmen, a bachelor dressed like a fox and a lot of toasting. There were two different toasts given in about 5 minute intervals – To the Hunt and What Did The Fox Say! As the table […]
Colmar, now a home to some 67,000 people, was founded in the 9th century. It is the third largest city in Alsace and a self proclaimed capital of Alsatian wine. If you have heard of the Statue of Liberty then you know Colmar – indirectly. Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, was a French sculptor who is best known for designing […]
It has been absolutely gorgeous today, we hit 20C. The pre pro league of girls is having its football practice outside at yet another football field. Here are some action shots.
Here is some of the stuff that we acquired in London. As it is clearly evident most of it is from Harry Potter Studios. Good times.
After Changing of the Guard ceremony, or rather, before it actually concluded we set off across St. James’s Park to Piccadilly and a wonder around Regent Street, essentially circling around Soho for a bit of exploration. I think we all are a bit tired so today we are taking it easy. We went back to […]
We constantly aim to elevate the amateur way of traveling – this trip is no exception. We set off from Nuremberg to Frankfurt on the train. We did not want to chance getting stuck in traffic or a snow storm or getting stressed about getting there on time. We would arrive in Frankfurt with 2.5 […]
There are many ways to look at this story, whether it is a coincidence or a fluke or whatever, it is one we are going to remember for a while. It all started on a mild Prague evening on February 16th, it was dark but not a stormy night. After a great meal, we got […]
The Tooth Fairy has been very busy around this house. Evelina has lost so many teeth that her retainer does not stay in anymore. Today we went to see an orthodontist to get it adjusted, but just as we suspected until some new pearly whites come in, no retainer will be worn. Evelina seems quite […]
Our incredible Christmas cannon ball run to Warsaw was fun, our trip back to Nuremberg not so much. The traffic laws over holiday season are more strictly enforced, as it turns out, and the 20km/h over speed limit buffer does not apply. On our way home from Warsaw to Nuremberg, out of nowhere, in […]
After a lovely dinner on the Prague Castle side of town, in the same restaurant we ate last year, we went for a stroll to walk off the 4 tonnes of food we consumed before heading home. Let me see if I remember the meal. Beef goulash soup in a bread bowl, fries, potato mushroom […]
This is a very common sight in Germany. It is true that Germans like they cars black and clean. Sometimes, you see a silver car or a white one, but mostly they are black and very, VERY clean. Can you spot the adventurous German here?
Paris was angry with us today, or at least that is what it seemed like to us. We got to the metro station this morning and it turned out that our 5 days metro passes have already expired. No big deal, we thought, we will just get a daily ticket. This metro station however, does […]
It is true that I can’t draw, or at least nothing more complicated than a stick figure, and I am ok with that. However, while at the Louvre, I spied this person making what appeared to be a brazen forgery of a rather famous and iconic painting, by a famous Italian artist of a famous […]
I simply don’t know what this is, but it’s right outside our house. If we had to hazard a guess – photos for Christmas cards?
It is true that I don’t drink beer, but I started drinking Radler, which is beer with lemonade. It’s so good. At Mohrenplatz , where we were having lunch, in Garmisch, I ordered a small one. The waiter looked at me and said “girl size” and I agreed. He told us that usually this works […]
Today we took delivery of an apartment full of furniture. The furniture showed up at 7:15, I was rushing to get there, I got lost! I thought I knew my way to the house but it turns out I did not. Finally I got there and opened the door and the crew of 3 started […]
We finally got home from Poland today. This is what we have managed to fit into the car – including the four of us. Got to love those station wagons. You can put pretty much everything in them, including the kitchen sink.
TIR stands for Transports Internationaux Routiers” or “International Road Transports. TIR-owka then is a lady that works in a service industry, that stands in a forrest, on the side of the highway, usually dressed in a very revealing and easy to spot from the distance neon clothing ready to help the big truck drivers relax for […]
Meanwhile somewhere in Poland, on the side of the road is this guy with a wide array of forest goods for sale – all nicely displayed on the hood of his car. I think it is time to give our Alfa some personallity. We are going for that off road rugged country style look. It […]
Obviously we are not very with it when it comes to train travel. First we almost missed our first stop where we were supposed to get off and switch trains. We pulled up to the platform and suddenly we realized that we are not packed. Anna and Boris run off while I was waiting for […]
Oh My Viking God! We had a great road trip yesterday. We came home, parked the trusty old Volvo and that was that. This morning we got all dressed up to go shopping and the Volvo would not start. It would turn and turn and turn and nothing… Long story short – for the first […]
This is a public service announcement! Things to remember. Never, ever got to Marktkauf or any other grocery store, I would imagine, in Germany at 5:30pm. Imagine Costco a week before Christmas, with incoming snow storm of a millennium, and everything in the store is 99% off. Now, multiply this by a 100 and there […]
I could never understand why Italians have such admiration for Alonso, Schumacher or Gilles Villeneuve – some of the great drivers that graced Ferrari with their skills. Italy produces some of the best sport cars in the world. Bugatti, Maserati, Ferrari, Lancia and Lamborghini just to name a few, but are there no Italian drivers capable […]
Navigating the Italian gastronomical universe is not an easy task. In the galaxy of choices that are presented on an average menu, in an average restaurant one can easily get confused and lost and ultimately regret not ordering just the right meal. The easiest way to deal with this issue is to follow my simple […]
Obvious, vulgar and loud. Or is it fat, single and ready to mingle?
My watch is trying to kill me. I have a love hate relationship with my Pebble. For the most part I love this gizmo because there is always something new you can do with it. Today, after talking about for a while, I finally tried the 7 Minute Workout on my Pebble. Two things are […]
Tilt shift is simply hours of fun and playtime.
Germans love their beer – that much is true. We don’t, but we try an occasional sip or two. Kids on the other hand can just run on beer fumes.
While wondering around town we stumbled upon this lovely bunch. The whole cast was well represented and from the looks of it – Darth Vader was well surrounded. Its amazing what one can do with a bit of yarn and some traffic posts.
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