Today is the opening of the Nürnberger Christkindlesmarkt. This is one of the largest Christmas Markets in Germany and one of the most known in the world. We went to see the opening at 5:30, us and about a million other people. There was absolutely no room anywhere on the main square. The market opens with The Christkind or the Christ Child who is always a girl aged 16 to 19, an honour student born in Nuremberg, and usually blond, but not always. She recites an opening poem, there is a choir, the lights go up and the festivities begin. I am sure we are going to venture out to see the market when there is a bit less traffic. On average the market sees about two million visitors so it is going to be crowded. Although there is no definitive proof the market has started in 1628 and was held every year except 1939 to 1948.
Here is a link to YouTube Video from today’s opening. and Here is one to the official Nuremberg Christmas Market page
Looks nice. Wish we had time to come and see it. Might pop down to Flensburg to see theirs.
Log weekend trip if you have 4 days? Nuremberg is nice this time of the year.
That’s the thing – we don’t have any of those this month 🙁
Sounds like an opportunity for two days of stress leave.