The weather forecast has changed from sunny with a chance of showers to pouring rain with a chance of deluge. It was essentially raining sideways for most of the afternoon. Despite our rain gear, by the time we walked from the Little Mermaid to the shops, we were absolutely soaked to the bone. The only saving grace was that it was still rather warm so we were not freezing to death. Honestly, every time we step outside it started to rain, every time we are in the store it stopped raining. On our trip back to Fields we had beautiful blue sky, the moment we stepped off the platform to cross the street it started to rain again. What a day this has been. After a short break and some warm coffee we set off for home.
What is the cool building in the photo third from the end? I find it fascinating.
Don’t you make the blustery, rainy day look nice? 🙂 And Susanna – it’s a hotel. Bella Sky 😉
That building is a hotel.
Indeed thank you Lightroom for brightening the day!