Today is a Remembrance Day celebration at Mount Pleasant School. At the assembly the children recited poems, sang some songs and played music. There was even a representative from the airbase at the school. It was well done, that’s for sure.

Today is a Remembrance Day celebration at Mount Pleasant School. At the assembly the children recited poems, sang some songs and played music. There was even a representative from the airbase at the school. It was well done, that’s for sure.
Yesterday was Halloween, today is a lazy Saturday morning. While the kids were out shopping at WEM for some Christmas gifts, we made a quick stop at Audio Ark. For me going to Audio Ark is like going to a giant candy store – it is a happy place full of refined sophistication and decadence.
Today for breakfast we are trying the Liege Cakes once more time. This time a bit different recipe which has a bit less butter but instead of yeast we are using live culture. We essentially used the same recipe as last week but scaled down a bit on butter. This should have been an entire […]
A quick trip around the neighbourhood with a shield and a sword and a smile yielded some great returns. Tomorrow we are going to buy a shed for the back yard to put it all in.
Today is Halloween – it is great many things to many different people. For ghosts and goblins and witches and monsters it is time to freely roam the streets. For little Vikings at heart it is time to get out and liberate the neighbourhood of some candies and for the dentists it is time to pick up […]
It is snowing! At around 5pm today the skies opened up and it started coming down like crazy. Huge wet snow flakes everywhere. Only Evelina was happy with this turn of events, we all just looked in disbelief! I am sure this snow is not going to stick around around for long, but we all […]
Let’s call this for what it really is – it is a blog mostly about food. We are always talking about, eating too much, over eating or seeing some church. Of the last 8 posts 6 of them are about food. We had a little brunch today with Dobrescu’s. Simple brunch with little to no work. […]
What better way to spent the weekend than doing little to nothing at all. Today is one of those days, we were all waiting with anticipation for 4:30p.m. to have dinner at Thanh Thanh. This is one of two restaurants that we really missed when we were in Europe. On the agenda today is a […]
There are many different things we all miss about being on the other side of the pond. From the simple narrow and twisted cobble stone streets we walked in the old town Nuremberg to our friends and our favourite coffee shops and stores, the amazing gelato and the atmosphere of the old city, the history and […]
You will have to take my word for it, even though the pictures don’t show it, there really were 14 pizza on the dinner menu tonight – each different than the last. Twelve of them were consumed on site and two went home with us. There was also bread pudding. There was a lot of […]
If we are not eating, we are actively thinking about what to make and eat next. Seriously, that is what we do. Today is another lazy Thanksgiving weekend morning. On the go for breakfast are fresh, homemade Belgian waffles! Life is good.
Thanksgiving is great. Three days off, three days of eating and relaxing. It is great to be home for this one. While Christmas has its own charm, Thanksgiving is special. It is time to take pause and reflect, time to be thankful and appreciative. Time to spend with family, time to relax and appreciate everyone […]
It is a Thanksgiving Saturday. A beautiful day, sunny and warm. It is the kind of day you go out for a nice lazy walk around the lake or the little forest that is not far away from our home. Today on the lazy morning agenda I decided to winterize my irrigation system. My shiny […]
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