We are on our way to Copenhagen. It is about a 150 km drive from Odense across the Great Belt Bridge or Storebæltsforbindelsen in Danish (say that fast 3 times). Looks like it will be a great day, not too hot, 18C with a bit of sunshine.

We are on our way to Copenhagen. It is about a 150 km drive from Odense across the Great Belt Bridge or Storebæltsforbindelsen in Danish (say that fast 3 times). Looks like it will be a great day, not too hot, 18C with a bit of sunshine.
We have finally arrived in Odense. What was supposed to be a quick 8.5h drive turned out to be 11.5 hours. What a nightmare. Construction, traffic, accident, accident in a construction zone where 3 lanes merged into one, rain, fog – you name it we drove through it!
We can’t seem to get going today. It took us almost an hour to get out of the city, an hour later we traveled 120 km, then something started squealing. Rear right wheel breaks seemed to seize. The wheel was so hot I thought it would met the tire right off the rim. I took […]
We are setting off for a week of holidays. The children are getting their first fall school break, which is well deserved and earned as they have been working very hard both in school and with Saskia their private tutor. We are going to be heading up to Denmark and Sweden driving mostly through Germany. […]
It is hard to show in pictures what makes Tuscany so beautiful – you simply have to see it and experience it and take it all in day by day. We certainly can’t wait to get back here for our next trip. We were in a bit of a shock when we got back to […]
As planned we arrived just outside San Gimignano around 8:00 pm about 10 min drive from our hotel. We put in the GPS coordinates in and drove off into the darkness looking for our place for the night. Soon the road turned to gravel, and then the gravel turned into big sharp rocks. 14 km […]
We are off to Tuscany. We were hoping to make a quick stop in Monaco but because of the late start and a long drive we are heading straight for our hotel just outside Sam Gimignano – our favourite and the most beautiful city we saw in Italy last year.
We got home really late but still had a bit of time to snap some night pictures of our pad for the night.
Perched on the top of the hill in the small village of Sauveterre is a quaint little Chateau that is going to be our home for the next couple of days as we explore Avignon and the surrounding countryside. The Chateau was originally built in 1610 and then occupied by the first mayor of Avignon […]
To any self proclaimed petrol head Top Gear is the greatest show on earth when it comes to cars. On the weekends they ask their readers to show them what they have done with their cars. I submitted an entry through Twitter and – ours made it to the pages of TopGear.com as one of […]
Chateau de Meursault was our next winery of choice. This one offered a self guided tour of the property which is now a small museum. The roots of the family that owns this Chateau are traced back to the 12th century. The main Chateau is still being used as the primary residence, but the cellars, […]
On the way to Chateau de Meursault, the next winery on the list, we stopped at a typical French village to visit another bakery, for more break and pastries and to take a bit of a break after the wine tasting. Quaint, quiet and beautiful. Serenity now.
So we have had a chance to drive our new old car back from Poland. We put just a bit over 2,000 km on the car and so far we absolutely love it. I don’t think this car will go faster than 250km/h or even 240km/h for that matter. In fact loaded up to the […]
We finally got home from Poland today. This is what we have managed to fit into the car – including the four of us. Got to love those station wagons. You can put pretty much everything in them, including the kitchen sink.
This then is the official European Vacation Wala Family Chariot. It is a bit shorter and less powerful than the Volvo we have been driving but I think we are going to like it very much. It is an Alfa Romeo 159 Stoprtwagon Ti Turismo. It’s black and it ‘s pretty, and it converts diesel […]
Today we were off to Ingolstadt. We are still shopping for a car and today driving by this place we couldn’t resist stopping by and looking at this eye candy. Alfa Romeo and Maserati are two sisters, but in the window, what caught our eye, was a screaming red hot Ferrari 360 Spider. There were […]
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