Our first road trip this holiday season will be to see our family in Warsaw and to spent a few days with them and celebrate Christmas. We are hoping to get there later on tonight and start the holiday relaxation first thing Thursday morning.

Our first road trip this holiday season will be to see our family in Warsaw and to spent a few days with them and celebrate Christmas. We are hoping to get there later on tonight and start the holiday relaxation first thing Thursday morning.
We are going to be starting our holidays a bit early this year and doing a bit of travel. As such today when the school ends at 1pm we are picking up the kids and driving off. Our Nuremberg residence will be closed for the holiday season.
It’s 10 days before Christmas. Since we did not get ourselves an Advent Calendar to have a small treat each day we will just have to make do with this little box of French delight. To yours and our health then, we raise a glass to Merry Christmas.
The Christmas Market is still in full swing with just as many people around the stalls as ever, so we avoid the main square like the plague. However, there are still some nice and quiet places around the old town where it’s nice and quiet and empty and serene. It is still quite warm, mostly […]
In one respect Nuremberg is like Edmonton. We have either the worst or the second worst football club in the German Bundesliga – FC Nuremberg, much like Edmonton with its hockey team or Williams in Formula 1. Sure they were all champion teams at one point in time but it was so long ago no […]
It appears that the first real snow has melted faster than anticipated. Essentially the next morning there was no trace of it. This however, spurs the people to get into full winter mode and put winter tires on. For now we are back to green grass and mild temperatures of 6 to 9C so quite […]
Today marks the first day of a real snow fall. We heard stories about this event from the locals so we were ready. Naturally, we got our camera out to take some photos of this momentous occasion before the snow melts and there is no trace of it.
It appears that Tuesday is a better day to start off the week, so we are out once again trying to have a closer look at the market. Still too many people there, this is absolutely crazy. With about 40,000 people per day visiting this place I think this place is going to stay a bit […]
We got out the morning to see if we can get a closer look at the market. That was not a good idea. There were just as many people there today as there were at the opening. I think we are going to have to come out a few more times, maybe even Monday morning […]
Today is the opening of the Nürnberger Christkindlesmarkt. This is one of the largest Christmas Markets in Germany and one of the most known in the world. We went to see the opening at 5:30, us and about a million other people. There was absolutely no room anywhere on the main square. The market opens with The Christkind […]
Boris and Evelina found a bookstore in the old town that is a lot like Chapters less the coffee bar but with a lot of seating to sit down relax and unwind.
On the way back from office I swapped the lens on the camera to grab a bit of abstract as only nature can make.
It’s officially winter here. There is still a bit of snow on the ground hiding in the shade, away from the sun. I had to go out to see Volker today so I took the camera and the big lens and started walking. I went through the deep part of the castle moat to get […]
It’s true. We got some snow overnight. I don’t think we were mentally ready for it. Most of what had fallen has disappeared by noon but there are places here and there in the shade where you can still see the white stuff. a whole 1 to 2mm of it.
We arrived at our destination which is an ordinary looking Bavarian hotel called Rupertihof in a small village of Ainring just outside of Salzburg. We settled into the guest house on the 3rd floor and once everyone had a chance to catch up with the world on WiFi we decided to head out to the […]
Fall is here. It’s wet. There are some trees with are still quite green, and some that seem like they are on fire. The ones that have no leaves are green with all the moss that’s growing on them. It’s quite beautiful and colourful.
We have been trying to get out of the house and actually walk around the entire Nuremberg Imperial Castle on the outside of the defence walls. This will not be a quick walk, I think it will take at least 2 hours. The idea behind this exercise is to take a photo of every know […]
We have walked past this street about one hundred times, literally. It’s on the way to the Lego among other things. Not only did we find these very modern looking buildings right within the castle walls but we also found one of the best Sushi restaurants in the city called Sushi Glas. In Alberta there […]
It appears that each special occasion cumulates with a visit to our favorite pizza joint. L’Osteria is then our place of occasion here in Nuremberg.
Evelina keeps making these little gems – this one she made for me today.
I don’t think you can walk more than 50 m through the Copenhagen train station without running into a 10m x 15 m advertisement for one of these. At first we ignored it and remain strong and sceptical. I mean who drinks Baileys these days anymore? Finally we gave in and got a bottle they […]
To Munich and back, door to door – that being our house to Zenith Cultural Hall and back. One quick stop for gas a 3 sets of constructions. 326km in total in just under 2 hours. Driving at night on autobahn is just one of those things that one has to try. The only side […]
Arctic Monkeys are on stage – it’s going to be a great night.
November is going to be a musical month. We are setting off to Munich for the second concert this month. This venue is a bit larger holding up to 6000 people. Should be fun.
Its beautiful and sunny. We continue to explore the city, or rather the old town. This time we are directly on the far side of the castle walls. One day we are planning on walking around the entire castle to see it from the far side of the defence walls and the moat just like […]
Autumn is here to stay that much is true. While it gets up to 15C during the day, it does cool off for the night. Its Saturday, and we are burning a lap around the old town. The old town is getting ready for the upcoming and world famous Christmas Market. We can’t wait. […]
Here is another look at the church of St. Lorenz. This medieval church of the former free imperial city of Nuremberg is dedicated to Saint Lawrence. The church was badly damaged during the Second World War and later rebuilt. It is one of the most prominent churches of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria. The choir was started in 1445 by medieval […]
When London Grammar came out onto the stage our first reaction was, but they are just kids! They are so young. Indeed they are young, but they sound not only mature and unique but also simply amazing. Small venue packed to capacity, no one getting drunk, no one smoking and no one pushing or shoving […]
I think this club has a capacity for maybe 100 or 150 people. It’s going to be great.
We are setting off to Munich tonight to see and hear London Grammar preform at the Atomic Cafe. It is a relatively new band which Anna has discovered somewhere online and we like it very much. It’s not going to be a long concert as they only have one CD but it should be a […]
We have finally arrived in Odense. What was supposed to be a quick 8.5h drive turned out to be 11.5 hours. What a nightmare. Construction, traffic, accident, accident in a construction zone where 3 lanes merged into one, rain, fog – you name it we drove through it!
We can’t seem to get going today. It took us almost an hour to get out of the city, an hour later we traveled 120 km, then something started squealing. Rear right wheel breaks seemed to seize. The wheel was so hot I thought it would met the tire right off the rim. I took […]
We are setting off for a week of holidays. The children are getting their first fall school break, which is well deserved and earned as they have been working very hard both in school and with Saskia their private tutor. We are going to be heading up to Denmark and Sweden driving mostly through Germany. […]
Courtyard, or our back yard has two trees, both maples, one is 6 and the other one is about 7 stories high. They are just starting to turn yellow and drop their leaves.
All of the sudden and out of nowhere the sky turned red. We jumped to the window to see what was on fire! The sky was. It turned bright red and back to normal in a matter of about 5 minutes. I managed to only snap a few shots before the spectacle went away. […]
It’s 11:30 am, it’s 20C and it is absolutely beautiful outside. We are off to the Old Town to run some errants. We added another 5.2km of leisurely walk by the moats and the old town, bought some fresh pretzels and headed home to meet the kids at 1:15 for lunch when they are back […]
It’s 20C and we are out for another walk wearing a t -shirt. The old town is full of people, everyone has something to do and everywhere you look, every coffee shop and restaurant is full. We got out to return some books to the library and decided to circle a bit of old town. […]
I simply don’t know what this is, but it’s right outside our house. If we had to hazard a guess – photos for Christmas cards?
We did not make it to the bank today as planned. We decided to walk the other way to discover less travelled part of our neighbourhood. We found a great bakery with really good pretzels. Pretzel sandwiches are all the rage and finding a perfect pretzel in a bakery close by is always good. So […]
Autumn is slowly creeping in. Pretty much everywhere you look there is a hint of it. This, being a beautiful day that it was, we went out for a morning walk along the castle walls to get out of the house and get some fresh air. We had so much fun we are going to make […]
Looks like fall is arriving early this year.
We finally got our silly internet sorted out after what seems like an eternity. We are connected and ready for FaceTime any time.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone and all the best to you. We are done our Thanksgiving sans butternut squash but we know what you will feel like 5 hours from now. We had way too much food that’s for sure. We finally got to see Kasia and Volker and Volker’s mom and the 7 of us sat […]
This then is a perfect family chariot! It’s beautiful, its spacious, and its not coming to Canada any time soon if ever. We see these on the Autobahn every once in a while, never for more than a split second as they fly by, gliding effortlessly, with a mighty roar. Available in Germany in, wait […]
The Theatine Church of St. Cajetan in Munich is one of those places that looks very unassuming from the outside and makes your jaw drop when you walk inside. If you want to see boundless opulence on a small scale in white marble done in Italian high-Baroque – this place is a good start. When a king, gets […]
After months of relentless pursuit we have triumphed over the Polish beaurocracy and have obtained our double OO status. Between the two of us there are 6 passports – we are now now accepting missions wink wink..
We are in Munich picking up the passports. Unlike, our previous trips to the Embassy this one took about 10 min, required no appointment and no payments – just a couple of signatures and finger swipes. It was the most pleasant of all visits we had here. Before we could pick up our passports however, […]
We are setting off to Munich once again. This time to pick up both passports – finally.
Today marked another milestone: first day of school in Germany! You may or may not be surprised to hear that both children were EXTREMELY excited for this new adventure. They spent the weekend organizing supplies. Boris even went as far as to claim he was “sick and tired of relaxing”. After school, the two of […]
Germans love their beer – that much is true. We don’t, but we try an occasional sip or two. Kids on the other hand can just run on beer fumes.
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