Tag Archives: canals

On Bruges

Bruges is a relatively small city of about 120 thousand people, double that if you include the metropolitan area.  It is very beautiful and pristine.  It’s a vibrant and alive and obsessively clean and not as busy and commercial as Brussels, a perfect place to get a good taste of Belgium. Very few traces of human […]

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There are some 190 churches in Venice.  To see them all in one day or even a week is mission impossible.  There are churches dedicated to all sorts of saints and holidays and important historical events you can imagine. ” The plague  is over” – let’s celebrate and built a church – literally.  To make […]

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Around Venice

Some 60,000 people live in  historical Venice, while Venice proper houses some 270,000 people.  Historical Venice is built on wooden piles which were driven into the seabed and unto which the foundations of the buildings were build on.  There are some 486 bridges in Venice we walked on 29 of them.  Everything here is different, […]

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We are going to Venice this morning for a day.  There are a number of ways of getting there, but since we have a car we going to drive across the Liberty Bridge and park at the first available parking garage.  Parking in Venice is interesting.  We pulled into the first parking garage which has […]

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