Today is a Remembrance Day celebration at Mount Pleasant School. At the assembly the children recited poems, sang some songs and played music. There was even a representative from the airbase at the school. It was well done, that’s for sure.

Today is a Remembrance Day celebration at Mount Pleasant School. At the assembly the children recited poems, sang some songs and played music. There was even a representative from the airbase at the school. It was well done, that’s for sure.
A quick trip around the neighbourhood with a shield and a sword and a smile yielded some great returns. Tomorrow we are going to buy a shed for the back yard to put it all in.
Today is Halloween – it is great many things to many different people. For ghosts and goblins and witches and monsters it is time to freely roam the streets. For little Vikings at heart it is time to get out and liberate the neighbourhood of some candies and for the dentists it is time to pick up […]
There are many different things we all miss about being on the other side of the pond. From the simple narrow and twisted cobble stone streets we walked in the old town Nuremberg to our friends and our favourite coffee shops and stores, the amazing gelato and the atmosphere of the old city, the history and […]
Yesterday in Rouen we had amazing weather – read no rain and even some sunshine. Today’s forecast is somewhat similar. Cloudy, with light wind, occasional sunshine and guaranteed downpour or five. I think that by now we all got used to the idea that the beach towels we brought with us will go back home […]
For some breakfast is the first meal of the day, that does not mean that immediately after it you can’t have some delicious gelato to really kick start the day – properly.
It is summer! No matter where we go there is a bachelor or bachelorette party. Evelina got to participate in one when we were in Wurzburg today. The premise of these parties is as follows. The bride or groom to be is the object of constant ridicule in public as his entourage is getting drunk. He […]
A year has come and gone. So far we have visited 11 countries and what seems like innumerable number cities and perhaps even more restaurants and shops. We walked what seems like hundreds of kilometres on old cobble stones, consumed pounds and pounds of gelato and drunk gallons of espresso and wine. The blog has had over 22,000 […]
The Grand Canal, Rialto Bridge and St. Mark’s Square and Basilica are the most iconic landmarks in Venice They are instantly recognizable and quite amazing in their own right. The weather is fabulous, there are no crowds – a perfect day to be in Venice.
It has been absolutely gorgeous today, we hit 20C. The pre pro league of girls is having its football practice outside at yet another football field. Here are some action shots.
After Changing of the Guard ceremony, or rather, before it actually concluded we set off across St. James’s Park to Piccadilly and a wonder around Regent Street, essentially circling around Soho for a bit of exploration. I think we all are a bit tired so today we are taking it easy. We went back to […]
Now that it is warm outside the girls football team is practicing twice per week.
It is absolutely glorious outside. T-shirt and a sport jacket kind of day, although there are people wearing shorts already we are not as adventurous.
The Tooth Fairy has been very busy around this house. Evelina has lost so many teeth that her retainer does not stay in anymore. Today we went to see an orthodontist to get it adjusted, but just as we suspected until some new pearly whites come in, no retainer will be worn. Evelina seems quite […]
Evelina’s new title with her football team is pre – pro, and now she looks the part too.
Today is the day when everyone in this family can measure their age with two digits. Joining the club is the littlest one – Evelina, turning 10 today and proud of it. Happy Birthday! Thank you all for your wishes, cards and gifts, it really made her day today.
What used to be the second largest city in central Poland after Plock, is now a small medieval village of about 600 people just outside of Warsaw. The Gothic castle had great military importance, and was built like a fortress. The ruins of this castle, which was originally built in the early 11th century, are all […]
In one respect Nuremberg is like Edmonton. We have either the worst or the second worst football club in the German Bundesliga – FC Nuremberg, much like Edmonton with its hockey team or Williams in Formula 1. Sure they were all champion teams at one point in time but it was so long ago no […]
Evelina keeps making these little gems – this one she made for me today.
Evelina made a new friend today. Walking from the pool to the main house she heard a little bird chirp. Being a good soul that she is, she helped it get off the road and back into the shade in the grass where it could be cool and safe.
Evelina got a new scooter. It almost rusted sitting in a box for a week with all this rain we have been having. Finally today the clouds broke and a bit of sunshine dried up the pavement so promptly she took it out for a spin. I think she is loving it.
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