A quick trip around the neighbourhood with a shield and a sword and a smile yielded some great returns. Tomorrow we are going to buy a shed for the back yard to put it all in.

A quick trip around the neighbourhood with a shield and a sword and a smile yielded some great returns. Tomorrow we are going to buy a shed for the back yard to put it all in.
Today is Halloween – it is great many things to many different people. For ghosts and goblins and witches and monsters it is time to freely roam the streets. For little Vikings at heart it is time to get out and liberate the neighbourhood of some candies and for the dentists it is time to pick up […]
Perhaps one of the things that Boris and Evelina missed the most about Edmonton was their cousins. The greatest thing in their minds is the fact that our family lives close to us. On a beautiful fall day with the sun shining and leaves blowing in the wind they got on their bikes and went […]
It is a Thanksgiving Saturday. A beautiful day, sunny and warm. It is the kind of day you go out for a nice lazy walk around the lake or the little forest that is not far away from our home. Today on the lazy morning agenda I decided to winterize my irrigation system. My shiny […]
It is finally time to make the landing post and say goodbye to Iceland. I have been home for a couple of weeks now buried in work. Not the business work but house work. There is a seemingly endless list of house chores that need doing, some due to what appears to be plain neglect, some […]
When it is all said and done, this is what nostalgia will look like. An evening out in Nuremberg on a beautiful summer’s day.
At the Imperial Castle, in the lower gardens – I have no ideal what this is…. Red Bull is doing something in town this weekend, perhaps this Cos play has something to do with it.
Today, I think is the last shopping trip I will be making. Just a few small things we still need to bring home. I say small because there simply aren’t too many things we need and there is no room in the suitcases. I am already starting to miss this town. It is had to […]
It’s officially winter here. There is still a bit of snow on the ground hiding in the shade, away from the sun. I had to go out to see Volker today so I took the camera and the big lens and started walking. I went through the deep part of the castle moat to get […]
There is a Christmas store in Salzburg that is open year round. Not only does it have some of the most beautiful Christmas decoctions but it has hundreds upon hundreds of painted egg shells. There is eggs in every theme imaginable from Halloween, to Easter to Christmas from flowers, birds and city scenes, to just […]
Hohensalzburg Castle is a fortress on top of the Festungsberg mountain overlooking Salzburg. It is easily accessible by funicular which is easier than the 15 min walk up the hill. The first funicular to the fortress was built in the 1900s. The fortress was never taken in war, it was however given up once when Napoleon and his army came knocking. Salzburg Fortress […]
Fall is here. It’s wet. There are some trees with are still quite green, and some that seem like they are on fire. The ones that have no leaves are green with all the moss that’s growing on them. It’s quite beautiful and colourful.
We have been trying to get out of the house and actually walk around the entire Nuremberg Imperial Castle on the outside of the defence walls. This will not be a quick walk, I think it will take at least 2 hours. The idea behind this exercise is to take a photo of every know […]
Its beautiful and sunny. We continue to explore the city, or rather the old town. This time we are directly on the far side of the castle walls. One day we are planning on walking around the entire castle to see it from the far side of the defence walls and the moat just like […]
Autumn is here to stay that much is true. While it gets up to 15C during the day, it does cool off for the night. Its Saturday, and we are burning a lap around the old town. The old town is getting ready for the upcoming and world famous Christmas Market. We can’t wait. […]
Here is another look at the church of St. Lorenz. This medieval church of the former free imperial city of Nuremberg is dedicated to Saint Lawrence. The church was badly damaged during the Second World War and later rebuilt. It is one of the most prominent churches of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria. The choir was started in 1445 by medieval […]
It appears that Top Gear has taken some liking to our family chariot. Being listed once on the Top Gear site was like winning a lottery, twice is just crazy. Weekend in Cars has our lovely Alfa proudly displayed crossing the Great Belt Bridge on our trip to Copenhagen. A big thanks to the Mozejko […]
We are leaving Denmark and heading back home to Germany.
Emporia is one of Scandinavia’s biggest shopping malls located near Malmö Arena and Hyllie railway station in Malmö in southern Sweden. Architecturally stunning inside and out, we stopped by to check it out and relax a bit before heading back to Denmark.
We are taking a little break from all the walking we did today. When in Malmo, Sweden – Ambrosia is your place to go for a nice coffee and some spectacular desserts!
The Western Harbour is the new part of Malmo being built at an incredible pace. Among the new buildings in the Western Harbour is the Turning Torso, a skyscraper with a twisting design, 190 metres (620 ft) tall is the tallest building in Scandinavia.
Malmo has two distinct districts, the old town which is not very traditional or conventional in the sense of old European towns. The other part is The Western Harbour which is being built on the peninsula and is ultra modern. Since the construction of the Öresund bridge, linking Sweden to Denmark, Malmö has undergone a major transformation with […]
We are off to Sweden today. We are going to explore a costal town of Malmö, Sweden. It is the third largest town in Sweden by population and since we are not driving up to Stockholm this should be a experience. We are also going to make this a train trip, leaving the car behind in […]
On the way back from the Viking Museum we stopped by to see the storm damage at the Ulriksholm Castle. Sadly there were a number of old trees that simply snapped like sticks in the 200km/h winds.
Since we are changing our travel plans a bit, today we are doing the tourist things such as museums. First on the agenda is the H. C. Andersen museum. The museum is attached to his yellow house where he was born and it is on the outskirts of the old town in Odense. The museum […]
Kerteminde, is a small town about 10 km from Odense and is located on the island of Funen and has a population of 5,880. This place is famous for its fish restaurants but to us it is famous for meringue. Danes like meringue in three forms, cookies, ice cream with meringue topping or fresh meringue covered in […]
Valdemars Castle is a small palace on the island of Tåsinge near Svendborg in southern Denmark. It was commissioned by King Christian IV for his son Valdemar Christian who never moved in. He was killed in battle in Poland in 1656. Today the castle is owned by Baroness Caroline Luel-Brockdorff who was at one time married to Ian Flemming’s nephew. Small world.
We are heading home from our excursion to the Danish country side. Both the wind and the rain have picked up quite significantly. In retrospect we are glad that we went to Copenhagen yesterday as the Great Belt Bridge is now officially closed. The wind is blowing at 54m/s or category 3 hurricane, the strongest […]
This small castle is located approx. 6 km. SW of Kerteminde. It was built for one of Christian IV’s many sons, in a typical Renaissance style. The castle was completed in 1645. The young Count Ulrik Christian GYLDENLOVE only managed to enjoy his new home for a few years. He died in 1658 , at the age of 28. Today, the castle is a private residence which […]
We are following a trail of Viking Runes. Its actually a beautiful autumn day, not like you could tell this from our outfits, but that’s because we are prepared for the upcoming storm. These sties are protected by Thor, as the legend has it, and anyone no paying the respect these places deserve will […]
We are back where we started after a nice 15 km walk around the city. More pictures coming soon.
Originally a Viking fishing village founded in the 10th century, Copenhagen became the capital of Denmark in the beginning of the 15th century. Copenhagen metropolitan area is home to almost 2 million people out of 5 million that live in Denmark. It’s a beautiful city, its home to the Danish royalty and a whole set of stunning […]
Part of our 15km walk around Copenhagen included the old town. We went by the Round Tower which was an astoronomical observatory built by King Christian IV. Instead of stairs, a 7.5-turn spiral ramp forms the only access way to the tower top observatory as well as the Library Hall and the Bell-Ringer’s Loft, both located above the church. […]
Frederik’s Church, popularly known as The Marble Church (Marmorkirken) for its architecture, is an Evangelical Lutheran church located just west of Amalienborg Palace. Intended to commemorate the 300 years jubilee of the first coronation of a member of the House of Oldenburg. Frederick’s Church has the largest church dome in Scandinavia with a span of 31m. The construction of the church was delayed for 150 years due […]
Amalienborg is the winter residence of the Danish Royal Family. We made it here just before 12:00 to see the change of the guard. The Royal Palace consists of four identical classic palace façades with rococo interiors around an octagonal courtyard. In the centre of the square is a monumental equestrian statue of Amalienborg’s founder, King Frederick V. The first time […]
Located, across the Royal Palace, on the island of Holmen in central Copenhagen is the Copenhagen Opera House. The Opera House is the national opera house of Denmark, and is among the most modern opera houses in the world. It is also one of the most expensive opera houses ever built with construction costs well over 500 million U.S. dollars.
Nyhavn or New Harbour is a 17th-century waterfront, canal and entertainment district in Copenhagen, Denmark originally constructed by King Christian V from 1670 to 1673, dug by Swedish war prisoners. It is a gateway from the sea to the old inner city at (King’s Square), where ships handled cargo and fishermens’ catch. It was home to Hans Christian Andersen for some 18 years. […]
We are off to explore Copenhagen. Starting with Starbucks!
On the way to Copenhagen we get to drive on the Storebæltsforbindelsen, or the Great Belt Bridge. It is 18km long bridge that goes over a part of the Baltic Sea! It is not cheap to take it but it is very fast and convenient. The construction of the fixed link became the biggest building project […]
We are on our way to Copenhagen. It is about a 150 km drive from Odense across the Great Belt Bridge or Storebæltsforbindelsen in Danish (say that fast 3 times). Looks like it will be a great day, not too hot, 18C with a bit of sunshine.
No self respecting European city goes without its own cathedral. Odense is no different, St. Canute’s Cathedral is dedicated to the last Viking king of Denmark and his bones as well as those of his brother are displayed in the cathedral crypt. Unlike some of the more ostentatious and extravagant baroque cathedrals this one is […]
We are in Odense visiting our good friends Mozejkos. It’s a beautiful autumn day, perfect for exploring the old city. Odense has one of the oldest Saturday markets in Europe, where people have been buying and selling fresh produce for over 500 years. There are a number of churches and monasteries, a Benedictine abbey, the Odense Palace, […]
We are taking a relaxing stroll through the old town in Odense. Lots to see here but for now we are recharging at Baresso Coffee.
We have finally arrived in Odense. What was supposed to be a quick 8.5h drive turned out to be 11.5 hours. What a nightmare. Construction, traffic, accident, accident in a construction zone where 3 lanes merged into one, rain, fog – you name it we drove through it!
Courtyard, or our back yard has two trees, both maples, one is 6 and the other one is about 7 stories high. They are just starting to turn yellow and drop their leaves.
It’s 11:30 am, it’s 20C and it is absolutely beautiful outside. We are off to the Old Town to run some errants. We added another 5.2km of leisurely walk by the moats and the old town, bought some fresh pretzels and headed home to meet the kids at 1:15 for lunch when they are back […]
It’s 20C and we are out for another walk wearing a t -shirt. The old town is full of people, everyone has something to do and everywhere you look, every coffee shop and restaurant is full. We got out to return some books to the library and decided to circle a bit of old town. […]
I simply don’t know what this is, but it’s right outside our house. If we had to hazard a guess – photos for Christmas cards?
We did not make it to the bank today as planned. We decided to walk the other way to discover less travelled part of our neighbourhood. We found a great bakery with really good pretzels. Pretzel sandwiches are all the rage and finding a perfect pretzel in a bakery close by is always good. So […]
Looks like fall is arriving early this year.
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