All hellish travel has its rewards. Today – we forgot about the airplanes, lineups and sleepless nights, and were rewarded with a spectacularly gorgeous day – we couldn’t ask for more. [br] [br]

All hellish travel has its rewards. Today – we forgot about the airplanes, lineups and sleepless nights, and were rewarded with a spectacularly gorgeous day – we couldn’t ask for more. [br] [br]
What a gong show this journey was. Long story short British Airways cancelled the flight after an issue with the engine – so we got stuck in Seattle. We were booked to go through Houston, then London but by the time the reservation was confirmed, printing issues, we were too late to go through security. […]
Our last night in Paris ended with a fabulous dinner at La cocotte et la marmite, and I mean fabulous, most likely the best dinner we had in Paris ever. Absolutely loved it! Our trip around Paris, if you believe the step counter on the phone, totalled 71.62km – I am afraid not one of us […]
Musee d’Orsay is located in an old converted railway station right across the river from the Louvre. It holds mainly French art dating from 1848 to 1914, including paintings, sculptures, furniture, and photography. It houses the largest collection of impressionist and post-Impressionist masterpieces in the world, by painters including Monet, Manet, Degas, Renoir, Cézanne, Seurat, […]
So another busy day in Paris. A bit of shopping, a lot of walking, a lots of snacking but generally relaxing. Today we climbed 24 floors, mostly getting up to the Pantheon and walking up the hill by Sorbonne, and walked about 23,600 steps which is about 13.6km. Good workout!
The Luxembourg Garden and Palace was created at the beginning of 1612 by Marie de’ Medici, the widow of King Henry IV of France, who at the time was building a new home that was to mimic her home in Florence. Today the gardens are owned by the French Senate, which meets in the Palace. It covers 23 […]
The Pantheon, roughly translated from Greek means “to all gods”. Originally intended as a church to the saint patron of Paris, it was later converted to a mausoleum to honour the great men and women that brought honour and respect to the nation. The motto on the Pantheon reads ” To great men, the grateful homeland” […]
The Sainte-Chapelle or “Holy Chapel” was constructed to house Louis IX’s collection of relics of Christ, the crown of thorns, a piece of the cross and others. At the time the king paid 135,00 livres for the relicts, which were put in an ornate silver chest that cost further 100,000 livres. The entire chapel in 1238 […]
First order of the day and the highlight of the day for the kids was a Rihanna pop up store – at Colette. Super cool store with just about something for everyone. Needless to say we showed up early, in fact we beat almost the entire Paris and ended up 4th in line. Score. […]
I think everyone knows Eiffel Tower. It is the tallest building in Paris, it is a global cultural icon of France, and it is the most paid visited monument in the world. It symbolizes freedom and beauty and everything that is French and Parisian. Today, surrounded by a fence, and an army of security guards […]
One of the largest buildings you can see from Centre Pompidou is the church of St. Eustache. The building actually dates back to the 13th century. The current church, a gothic masterpiece, was built between 1532 and 1632. St. Eustache was prominent enough in Paris to have Louis XIV take his first communion there and Mozart has […]
Centre Pompidou is an interesting building – it is sort of inside out building. We visited Pompidou in Metz a while back which looked like a giant tent. From the roof top you can almost see all the major landmarks in Paris. A very nice Passion women pointed out all of them to us, all […]
Today is an easy and relaxing day. First, we sleep in, so we were off to a great start. Once we got organized and managed to get to the centre we decided to go shopping. First stop at the Louvre then to one of favourite stores BHV then a stroll through Marais for some sweets […]
Today is our first day out after a long day of travel yesterday. On the agenda for today is what started of as a little village in the 11th century then became a hunting lodge with a bit of forest to what today is simply know as the Palace of Versailles. When you are the […]
Tonight we are seeing Volker and Kasia for the last time on this trip. It is largely because of them that we are here, it is because of them that this trip has been such an amazing journey and it if was not for their help with everything we would most likely speak a bit […]
In short awesome. On our way back after a bit of wondering around Paris we settled in our comfy seats in the first class. This time we were served dinner which was: pasta salad with tomatoes, goat cheese and broad green beans. Grilled beef with rice and vegetable ratatouille. For dessert lemon tart. Wine, water, […]
Paris was angry with us today, or at least that is what it seemed like to us. We got to the metro station this morning and it turned out that our 5 days metro passes have already expired. No big deal, we thought, we will just get a daily ticket. This metro station however, does […]
It is true that I can’t draw, or at least nothing more complicated than a stick figure, and I am ok with that. However, while at the Louvre, I spied this person making what appeared to be a brazen forgery of a rather famous and iconic painting, by a famous Italian artist of a famous […]
We had dinner at a local bistro, half a block away from our pad. Once again we did not get the picture of the best dish we had which was a trio of steak tartar. I will say this, and I am saying this for both of us – best steak tartar we had since […]
At first we were puzzled by what this line up was all about. Then we realized it was to the most beautiful A & F store located right on Champs-Élysées. That’s just crazy.
Old and modern, sights of Paris on a truly beautiful day.
This is our third visit to Paris, and our first visit to the Museum of Modern Art. A bit different than the Louvre but with its own merits. There was an intersting exposition of Azzedine Alaia dresses in the Matisse room as well as a whole host of other art that is just oh so very […]
Finally I got to take a picture of our little place we are staying at in Paris. It is in the Latin Quarter, Luxembourg metro stop which is one stop from Notre Dame. Very close to everything and very central. We love it here, ours is the top three windows on the top that are […]
Not far from the Basilica of the Sacred Heart is a little chocolate shop where they are serious about two things: chocolate and macarons. Today was the first time we managed to convince Boris and Evelina to try them and as it stands there wasn’t the time to take a picture of them as they […]
I am sure that there are a great many churches in Paris to see and explore. There are two however, that most people are familiar with. One is the famous Notre Dame and the other is the Sacré-Coeur. Most people will visit the Notre Dame and look at the Sacré-Coeur from the distance when they get to […]
We are out for a midnight stroll. It is absolutely crazy how many people are out. We decided to go towards the Eiffel Tower to ring in the New Year There were 1000’s of people and just as many Champagne bottles popping their corks at midnight. We had a nice walk along the Seine, saw […]
We just sat down to a fancy New Years Eve dinner at Auberge de Venise. We are getting a set 5 course menu with Bellini to start with, followed by fresh olives, bruschetta and fresh shrimp and we have not even ordered any food yet.
Galeries Lafayette is one of those crazy places that is: always busy, has wonderful displays and is not cheap. It is the kind of place you go to to find that perfect Dolce & Gabbana dress or coat or a suit for your 4 year old. It is a place where everything is larger than life, where you […]
Yesterday was dedicated to culture today we are going shopping. On the agenda are BHV and ‘Galeries Lafayette’. In between the two is the City Hall from which you can see the Notre Dame. There was a huge ice ring in front of the city hall and despite the fact that it was +10C it […]
After a quick coffee at Carrousel du Louvre and a bit of well deserved rest we headed out to the Marais. This once again is a place we really loved last year so we went back for more this year. We had a wonderful dinner at a little Italian bistro for something different. L’Alimentari had some wonderful […]
While we spent more time last year looking at the paintings and the Egyptian exhibits, this year we looked at more sculptures. This is but a fraction of what the Louvre has to offer, from rooms full of tapestries large enough to cover a small house, to unimaginable amount of ornate gold trinkets large and […]
The beauty of the Louvre, or at least one of them, is that you can see a lot of stuff from any particular part of the world all in one place. The Louvre, does not have just one of something, it has 10s if not 100’s of these things. Be it old Roman vases or […]
Even though The Louvre is filled with a number of countless and priceless works of art, there are a few that draw more people than others. Those are Venus de Milo, Mona Lisa, The Wedding Feast, the Sphinx, Liberty leading the People, Napoleon and of course the Victory which is my favourite piece but once that […]
While not a huge exposition – it certainly is a decadent one. Monarchs like nice things and these nice things are beautiful, exqusite and extravagant.
Part of The Louvre is dedicated to Napoleon, a man who collected a lot of the art that is currently on display here. I am not sure if opulent and ostentatious are words that do justice to his pad, but it is a start.
This was our favourite place at the Louvre this time around. We did not get to see this last year, this year then this was a double treat because there were almost no people here which was a nice change from the rest of the museum and the place is absolutely beautiful. This was also […]
One of the exhibits we saw today was a room dedicated to Greek Gods. The usual suspects, Athena, Apollo, Mars, Mercury etc. Larger than life in myth and in marble.
Today was a long day, we spent almost 12 hours out in the city. We had two objectives for today The Louvre for art and Le Marais for dinner. The Louvre is a place that is extraordinary in and of itself. Priceless works of art aside, The Louvre is magnificent on its own merit. […]
We have settled in, unpacked and relaxed a bit. Then, once the restaurants opened we went out for a nice dinner to a local bistro down the street called Le Cercle. Great food, great service and a typical Parisian ambiance.
We are so un-familiar with train travel in Europe. We set an alarm to make sure we don’t miss our stop this time, which would have been hard to do since it was the end of the line for the first train. We had a nice lunch in Stuttgart, and 10 min into our trip […]
This is our first time on a French train on this trip. We are all very excited, we are traveling in comfort and style.
We have boarded ICE. We are on our way to Stuttgart where we are going to have a little lunch and change trains. TGV, the French train will take us to Paris.
We are setting off to Paris. Being here, we can’t think of a better city to be in for New Year’s Eve. We are going by train just to mix things up, and because having a car in Paris is absolutely useless, this just makes sense.
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